"Wow! She updated!"
Yeah yeah...you know, I've had a couple of things a week I've meant to blog about recently...and just haven't gotten around to it. Wish I had internet at work again...
So, in recent news, I've gotten a new phone. It looks something like this:

Yeah, I know, it's not a great shot. But don't blame me...I didn't take the picture.
On the other hand, I did take the following picture. This is the one that is currently on my desktop at work:
Ok, in my defense, it looks way cooler on my desktop.
And now, I think it's time for something less...well, cold looking. Any suggestions for my spring desktop image??
It IS a surprise.
Gorgeous picture though!
Congrats on the new phone! I would love to replace my Razr.. yeah, already. And yeah that is a gorgeous picture!!
I actually opened your blog and was so unexpecting to see a new post that I closed it as soon as it loaded and then saw the new title, and was like "wait, come back!!" hahaha!!
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