That's right. You guessed it.

It's my new laptop! And hey, can you guess what color it is? Heh.

It's all shiny and pretty. And a fingerprint magnet! But that's beside the point...

I looked for several months and did a TON of research. This little machine was a GREAT deal for the features it has.
*Lets not even get into that vista thing right now...
Thanks to my wonderful family and my boss, I was able to get enough money to purchase this little beauty.
I don't know what my fascination with red electronics has been lately...
So, by a show of hands, who was surprised THIS was my choice for 'Red'?
Not me!
Congrats on the new laptop, chica. I am totally jealous. :P
Ooh pwitty! I don't think you told me it was red. Cool! :)
Now I'm seeing red. I want a new computer. Wait, I might just be green with envy. But, that is a whole nother post.
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