Alright guys. There may be a contest going on over at Photrade. And I may be thinking about entering it.
Now I know for a fact that there have been over 1000 entries since just the other day. I'm sure by the end of it there will be more than 2000. I also know that with all the other talented photographers out there that would love to get their hands on this sweet prize, my chance of winning is slim to none. I would bet for me to even get noticed my image would have to really resonate with one of the judges for some reason. But hey, I've got to start somewhere.
ANYWAY. The point of this post is not to convince myself how amateur I am. The point of this post IS to gain your help. I need to know what image appeals the most to YOU.
If you'll kindly look over there to your right, (your other right Larry) you'll find a nice little poll. You don't have to leave a comment (unless it's to tell me to get over myself and that I shouldn't be entering a photo contest)...all you have to do is click the name that corresponds with the portrait you like best.
If the poll breaks for some reason you can leave a comment. Even anonymously if you really want to. So. Some of these you have seen, and some of them you haven't. They are, in my opinion, the best portraits I've taken. Do with that what you will. On with the pictures.
In no particular order*:
1. Ben
2. Kristen

3. Kristi

4. Mia

5. Preston

6. Rico
7. Steph
Alright folks! My success fully depends on you and your choice of the entry portrait! (see how I turned that around there?)
Thank you for your input. Your opinion matters greatly to us.
*actually, I just discovered that there IS a particular order. It's called alphabetical. And I so totally meant to do that.
Yes I did.