Hmmmm? What's that? It's not Halloween?
You know...if I had my druthers, Halloween would be every day!
Since you asked so nicely, I'll tell you why. (don't think I can't hear you on this side of the computer)
It's because I get to capture pictures like this:

Ah Janice. Ever the rock star. These photos are from several years ago and we all went to a neighborhood block party. For the life of me I can't remember what I dressed as. Probably a pirate.
And now, meet Maxi Padwell.

Maxi has been to several events over the last couple of years, but I must say her inaugural Halloween was priceless.
And then we have the lovely Kristi dressed as Amy Lee.

Hey Kristi...I said I was going to be posting EMBARRASSING pictures. Not sexy ones. So knock it off.
Let's move on to the following year's Halloween. At least, I think it was the following year.

I know what you're thinking right about now. You're thinking, "Why in the world are they doing that weird 'sexy pose thing' in that hallway?". I'll tell you why.
I have absolustely no idea. Seriously! No clue. But look I did it too!

Ok, and on to the final year of Halloween pictures I found on my old hard drive.
After I stopped doing "Pirate" for every Halloween the only option really left open to me was "Gothish". Since I don't plan ahead and all.

Whew! Someone needs to blend a little better!
This was our first attempt at the Crow. He was pleased enough with it that he's used the costume for two more years.
This is the Preston that makes me die laughing. I LOVE this!

And where did he get the glasses you ask?

I think I probably just sacrificed my friendship with Steph for that last photo. I hope you all are happy.
Steph? Don't hate me. Larry? Feel free.

Now for some reason I do not have pictures of everyone that was there with us that night. I'm sad about that. I must get better at capturing ALL the costumey goodness.
For example, I missed Emo Chris. And I didn't get a picture of Janice except for this:

Janice, I'm sorry that I didn't get a better pic of you. But check out the goldmine in the background there. What I was originally focusing on.
That's right my friends. THAT is the Crow raising the roof.